Kindergarten Science + Fire Safety

Jacob engaged in a variety of applications from traditional units of study, to online learning modules, hands-on experiments, nature journaling + observations, and immersive in-person experiences.

Touching a rock from the moon
Measuring up to a real snakeskin
Hiking the Allegheny National Forest


Birds of the World Map
“Preening” Activity
Birds of Prey Book
Birds of Prey Book
Types of Birds sorting activity
Types of Penguins sorting activity
Types of Beaks Experiment

SCAMPER Activity – Creation of new bird species with adaptation focus:

Final Design of the “Bowlder Eagle”
Dissecting an Owl Pellet

Bird watching in Merrit Island Nature Preserve, Florida

White Ibis
Limpkin (rare)
Great Blue Heron
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck


Digging for Fossils at Penn Dixie Fossil Park + Nature Preserve

Jacob searched for fossils from an ancient undersea environment that existed 380 million years ago (long before dinosaurs). Layers of rock deposited during the Devonian Period are now exposed at the surface, which allowed us to discover trilobites, brachiopods, and horn corals.

Onsite picture of the Western New York seas during the Devonian Period
Fossil Hunting

Acellus Online Science – Sample Lessons and Quiz Completion Scores

Sample lesson topics

Fire Safety

Custom class at our local nature center on fire safety in the outdoors. Topics included what was needed for a successful fire (tinder, kindling, fire starters), types of fire structure, fire safety for yourself and the environment (how you should act around a fire, where to build a fire, how to keep the fire contained), and safely putting out a fire.
Tour of our local fire station including safety tips, a firefighter uniform demonstration, and a real distress call that allowed us to see this station in action.

Nature Journaling, Observations, and Experiments

Nature journal visitor
Mud Painting
Mud Painting (Jacob’s is the top pumpkin)
Leaf ID and preserving activity
Monarch Butterfly ID
Learning how to ID a Monarch Butterfly
Artificial Intelligence Molecule Simulator
A study in Polarized Light
Visiting a pair of Hellbenders at our local nature center
Mushrooms found on an afternoon hike
Experiment on Using Hydraulics
Small snapshot of our Mushroom Pictures/ID from various hikes in the Allegheny Forest
Painting created using Chokeberries

NASA & Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, FL

Our visit included, but was not limited to:

  • Heroes + Legends: Space Pioneers
  • Apollo/Saturn V Center
    • Saturn V Rocket
    • Apollo 8 + The Firing Room
    • Path to the Moon (Apollo missions 7-10)
    • Apollo Treasures Gallery (Including a real Apollo spacecraft and Alan Shepard’s spacesuit)
  • The real Space Shuttle Atlantis
  • The 9-ton Kugel Ball
  • The Rocket Garden
Heading to see Atlantis
Atlantis Space Shuttle